by - April 16, 2019

 Caption from: scenicworld.com.

Have your Own | Life |Dreams

Don't live your life behind as soon as you enter a relationship.
Make sure that it's a win win situation. don't allow yourself to always be on the receiving side.  A RELATIONSHIP goes BEYOND MONEY-let your partner contribute towards your future self; receive new life skill

Let God be your Everything:-

The phrase " She/he is my everything" has killed many of us.
IT kills your strength, you fill you can't do anything without him / her.
Trust God, Let him lead you, By that many toxic relationship will be averted.

Know when to walk Away

"Trust what you know than what you feel"
A relationship shouldn't be based on a mere feeling. Many people have remained in toxic relationship just because they had feelings.  Don't just date a person because you have feelings even when you know He/her is poisonous to your true self. "Learn to know when to walk away, there is always a better chance in the future"

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