by - April 25, 2019

Thorough our individual life's we encounter circumstances either collectively as families or through  relatively close friends. All this requires a well equipped and refreshed mindset to successfully up beat them. It's always upon ones individual decision to phatom and dispatch any problems on this way. Individually, there is that internal or within fear, that barricades our real self. Have you ever felt a strong energy or desire to pursue something? While still painting that awesome picture of your desire, have you ever felt tremendous fear trying to consuming the imaginary painted image? Have you ever had your mind battling with what your heart entails? A timid situation that will comatose all your desired actions!! More like a monster living inside us!! A monster of fear, negative imaginations and false emotions!!!!

Well almost all of the most successful people across the world must have gone through that at some people. It takes a self motivated and self inspired person to cultivate his way out. These feelings create a wall, a barrier of success. For example:

Many young people today wants to own and manage multibillion dollar businesses. Almost all of them have great ideas with imaginative pictures of how things will work out. Well still to this, almost 90% of them are likely not to pursue them. This either because one is afraid of the risks of the idea or the fear of failure. This will chain and lock their potentials and dreams out!!! Simply because of the monster within!! A monster of feelings and emotions, all binding one to fear!!

However, under such circumstances, there is always a way out. We need to teach our mind to perceive and  tackle every situation out of fear. One might ask: what is self internal fear? And how does it build within individual? Well fear can be emotional generated:- whereby you are afraid to act or do something because of what you feel: that is, you have a bad feeling concerning the outcome of such decision. This kind of fear has chained and deterred many potentials from hatching. I refer to it as the first point of self realization.

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